UA Ruhr-Archive Catalog v1.0.0

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archive/general/topic-research_question/keywords Please give some keywords describing the research question.
archive/general/topic-research_question/title What is the main research question of the project?
archive/general/topic-research_field/name Which persons or institutions are responsible for the project coordination?
archive/general/topic-research_field/research_field Which research field(s) does this project belong to? The list of disciplines follows the subject classification of the DFG (German Research Foundation).
archive/general/project-partners-partner/contact Who is/are the contact person(s) for data management questions? Please give the name and an email address.
archive/general/project-partners-partner/name Project partner
archive/general/funding-funder/name Who is funding the project?
archive/content-classification/data-dataset/description What kind of dataset is it? Please briefly describe the data type and / or the method used to create or collect the data, for example:
  • quantitative online survey
  • 3D model / digital reconstruction of a stone age settlement
  • software developed within the project
archive/technical-classification/data-dates/data_collection_end When does data collection or creation end?
archive/technical-classification/data-dates/data_collection_start When does data collection or creation start?
archive/technical-classification/data-volume/rate How much data is produced per year? Optional. This is only of concern if the data production rate reaches TB scale.
archive/technical-classification/data-volume/volume What is the actual or expected size of the dataset?
archive/technical-classification/data-formats/format Which file formats are used? When choosing a data format, one should consider the consequences for collaborative use, long-term preservation as well as re-use. It is advisable to prefer formats that are standardised, open, non-proprietary and well-established in the respective scholarly community. More criteria and detailed explanations can be found e.g. in the WissGrid-Leitfaden, pp. 22 f.).
archive/technical-classification/data-tools/usage_technology Which software, processes or technologies are necessary to use the data? To be able to re-use data (e.g. to replicate studies, for meta analysis or to solve new research questions), along with the data the software, equipment and knowledge about special methods to use the data are required .
Just as with the formats, the recommendation is: the more standardised, open and established, the better for re-use.
archive/technical-classification/data-tools/creation_methods Which tools, software, technologies or processes are used to generate or collect the data? This information is necessary to be able to reconstruct the process by which the data was generated. It is also a prerequisite to judge the objectivity, reliability and validity of the dataset.
For reproducible data, it is also required to re-generate the data if need be.
archive/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/conditions If yes, under which terms of use or license will the dataset be published or shared? The options refer to the licenses of the Creative Commons family.
archive/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/yesno Will this dataset be published or shared?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/responsible_person Who is responsible for documenting the metadata and context information and for checking if they are correct and complete?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/quality_assurance Are metadata and context information being checked for correctness and completeness?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/standards Which standards, ontologies, classifications etc. are used to describe the data and context information?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/scope Which information is necessary for other parties to understand the data (that is, to understand their collection or creation, analysis, and research results obtained on its basis) and to re-use it?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-structure/structure What is the structure of the data? How are the individual components of the dataset related to each other? How is the dataset related to other datasets used in the project?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-pids/subentities Which (sub-) entities / sub units should be referenced using identifiers? Which of those identifiers should be persistent and citable?
archive/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-pids/system Which system of persistent identifiers shall be used?
archive/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data_yesno/yesno Does this dataset contain personal data? The handling and processing of personal data is regulated by law. The uniform application throughout the EU is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It allows for regulatory leeway at national level.
In Germany, this is regulated by the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and for universities, the individual data protection laws of the individual federal states apply, e.g. the data protection law of North Rhine-Westphalia (DSG NRW).
The european GDPR defines personal data as all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (Art. 4(1) GPDR).
A person is identified if it is clearly identifiable to whom the data belongs.
A person becomes identifiable if it can be identified by means of additional information.
More information (in German only) can be found on the websites of the data protection officers of the UA Ruhr.
archive/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/access_authentication How will the identity of the person accessing the data will be ascertained?
archive/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/duration How long will the data be stored?