UA Ruhr Catalog v1.0.0

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Path Question Helptext
ua_ruhr/general/topic-research_question/keywords Please give some keywords describing the research question.
ua_ruhr/general/topic-research_question/title What is the main research question of the project?
ua_ruhr/general/topic-research_field/name Which persons or institutions are responsible for the project coordination?
ua_ruhr/general/topic-research_field/research_field Which research field(s) does this project belong to? The list of disciplines follows the subject classification of the DFG (German Research Foundation).
ua_ruhr/general/project-schedule-schedule/project_end When does the project end?
ua_ruhr/general/project-schedule-schedule/project_start When does the project start?
ua_ruhr/general/project-partners-name/name Which persons or institutions are responsible for the project coordination?
ua_ruhr/general/project-partners-partner/contact Who is/are the contact person(s) for data management questions? Please give the name and an email address.
ua_ruhr/general/project-partners-partner/rdm_policy Does your institution have rules or guidelines for the handling of research data? If yes, please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please also indicate, if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. More and more universities and scientific institutions adopt research data management policies. These contain, among other things, recommendations and / or demands concerning the handling of research data by researchers of the institution. Principles and guidelines on handling research data at Bielefeld University or the Research data policy of the Georg-August University Goettingen.
ua_ruhr/general/project-partners-partner/name Project partner
ua_ruhr/general/funding-funder/title Is the project within a special funding programme?
ua_ruhr/general/funding-funder/name Who is funding the project?
ua_ruhr/general/other-requirements-yesno/yesno Are there requirements regarding the data management from other parties (e.g. the scholarly/scientific community)? Examples of discipline-specific requirements are:
ua_ruhr/general/other-requirements-requirements/requirements Which are these additional requirements regarding data management? Please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please also indicate, if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional.
ua_ruhr/content-classification/data-dataset/description What kind of dataset is it? Please briefly describe the data type and / or the method used to create or collect the data, for example:
  • quantitative online survey
  • 3D model / digital reconstruction of a stone age settlement
  • software developed within the project
ua_ruhr/content-classification/data-existing_data/uri If re-used, under which address, PID or URL can the dataset be found?
ua_ruhr/content-classification/data-existing_data/creator_name If re-used, who created the dataset?
ua_ruhr/content-classification/data-existing_data/origin Is the dataset being created or re-used?
ua_ruhr/content-classification/data-reuse/scenario Which individuals, groups or institutions could be interested in re-using this dataset? What are possible scenarios?
ua_ruhr/content-classification/data-reproducibility/reproducibility Is the dataset reproducible in the sense that it could be created / collected anew in case it got lost? Some data can, technically, be created anew at any time, as is the case with scientific experiments or digitised versions of analog objects (as long as the originals are still there and in good shape). However, this can consume a considerable amount of time and cost. With respect to long-term preservation, the effort of re-creation has to be weighed up against the effort of long-term preservation.
Other data cannot be collected or created anew. Examples are all kinds of "time stamped" observations, be they from social science, astrophysics or any other discipline. Observations represent a certain phenomenon at a certain time and / or place and are therefore not repeatable. Their value for re-use as well as the loss in case of failed preservation is much higher than that of reproducible data.
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-dates/data_analysis_end When does data analysis end?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-dates/data_analysis_start When does data analysis start?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-dates/data_cleansing_end When does data cleansing / data preparation end?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-dates/data_cleansing_start When does data cleansing / data preparation start?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-dates/data_collection_end When does data collection or creation end?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-dates/data_collection_start When does data collection or creation start?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-volume/rate How much data is produced per year? Optional. This is only of concern if the data production rate reaches TB scale.
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-volume/volume What is the actual or expected size of the dataset?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-formats/format Which file formats are used? When choosing a data format, one should consider the consequences for collaborative use, long-term preservation as well as re-use. It is advisable to prefer formats that are standardised, open, non-proprietary and well-established in the respective scholarly community. More criteria and detailed explanations can be found e.g. in the WissGrid-Leitfaden, pp. 22 f.).
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-tools/documentation Is documentation about relevant software needed to use the data?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-tools/usage_technology Which software, processes or technologies are necessary to use the data? To be able to re-use data (e.g. to replicate studies, for meta analysis or to solve new research questions), along with the data the software, equipment and knowledge about special methods to use the data are required.
Just as with the formats, the recommendation is: the more standardised, open and established, the better for re-use.
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-tools/creation_methods Which tools, software, technologies or processes are used to generate or collect the data? This information is necessary to be able to reconstruct the process by which the data was generated. It is also a prerequisite to judge the objectivity, reliability and validity of the dataset.
For reproducible data, it is also required to re-generate the data if need be.
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-versioning/tool Which technology or tool is used for versioning?
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-versioning/strategy Which versioning strategy is applied for this dataset? Please briefly describe the project-internal regulations for the versioning of data sets (e.g.: What kind of changes require a new version? How are changes documented? What are the naming rules for different versions?)
ua_ruhr/technical-classification/data-versioning/yesno Are different versions of the dataset created?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/scenarios-usage/support Are there actual or potential usage scenarios that could benefit from support by a data management or IT expert, or that even require such support?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/scenarios-usage/infrastructure To what extent will infrastructure resources be required (e.g. CPU hours, bandwidth, storage space... etc.).
ua_ruhr/data-usage/scenarios-usage/frequency How often will this dataset be used?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/scenarios-usage/description How / for what purpose will this dataset be used during the project?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-storage/naming_policy Is there a internal project guideline for naming the data? If so, please briefly outline the naming conventions and, if necessary, link to the documentation.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-storage/organisation_policy Are there internal project guidelines for a consistent organisation of the data? If so, where they are documented?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-storage/uri Under which URL can the dataset be accessed during the project?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-storage/type Where is the dataset stored during the project?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-data_security/security_measures Which measures or provisions are in place to ensure data security (e.g. protection against unauthorized access, data recovery, transfer of sensitive data)?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-data_security/name Who is responsible for the backups? This question refers to backups while the data is being worked with. Questions of long-term preservation will be adressed in the respective section.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-data_security/backups How and how often will backups of the data be created? This question refers to backups while the data is being worked with. Questions of long-term preservation will be adressed in the respective section.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-storage-and-security-data_security/access_permissions Who is allowed to access the dataset?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-interoperability/interoperability Is this dataset interoperable, i.e. allowing data exchange and re-use between researchers, institutions, organisations, countries etc.?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/data_publication_date When will the data be published (if they are)?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/restrictions_explanation If there are any restrictions on the re-use of this dataset, please explain why.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/conditions If yes, under which terms of use or license will the dataset be published or shared? The options refer to the licenses of the Creative Commons family.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/explanation If no, please explain why not. Please differentiate between legal and contractual reasons and voluntary restrictions.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/yesno Will this dataset be published or shared?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/collaborative-work-collaboration/organisation How is the collaborative work on the same files organised?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/collaborative-work-collaboration/tools Which platform / tools is / are used for collaboratively working on data and publications?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/collaborative-work-collaboration/yesno Will the data be collaboratively used?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/quality-assurance-dataset/measures Which measures of quality assurance are taken for this dataset?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/quality-assurance-integration/integration Is the integration between the re-used and newly created data ensured? If yes, by which means?
ua_ruhr/data-usage/costs-dataset/storage_non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel costs associated with the storage of the data sets during the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/costs-dataset/storage_personnel What are the personnel costs associated with data storage and data security in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/costs-dataset/usage_non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs for data management associated with the usage of data in the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/costs-dataset/usage_personnel What are the personnel costs for data management associated with the the usage of data in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/costs-dataset/creation_non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs for data management associated with the creation or acquisiton of data in the project? Please estimate the effort in Euro.
ua_ruhr/data-usage/costs-dataset/creation_personnel What are the personnel costs for data management associated with the creation or acquisition of data in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/responsible_person Who is responsible for documenting the metadata and context information and for checking if they are correct and complete?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/quality_assurance Are metadata and context information being checked for correctness and completeness?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/creation_manual Which metadata are collected manually?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/creation_semi_automatic Which metadata are collected semi-automatically?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/mappings In case it is unavoidable that you use uncommon or generate project-specific ontologies or vocabularies, will you provide mappings to more commonly used ontologies? This information is needed for a Horizon 2020 data management plan.
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/creation_automatic Which metadata are collected automatically?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/standards Which standards, ontologies, classifications etc. are used to describe the data and context information?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-dataset/scope Which information is necessary for other parties to understand the data (that is, to understand their collection or creation, analysis, and research results obtained on its basis) and to re-use it?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-costs/non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs associated with the creation of metadata and context information in the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/metadata-costs/personnel What are the personnel costs associated with the the creation of metadata and context information in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-structure/structure What is the structure of the data? How are the individual components of the dataset related to each other? How is the dataset related to other datasets used in the project?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-pids/name Who is responsible for the maintenance of the PIDs and the object maintenance (i.e. who is responsible notifying the PID-Service about object relocation and the new address)? A prerequisite for PIDs to work as promised is that they - as well as the objects they refer to - are maintained in a continuous and reliable way.. This means, for example, that if the object location changes, this information is updated.
When the data are stored in a data centre or repository, these tasks are usually taken care of by the data centre / repository. However, to be sure, the responsibilities should be checked beforehand.
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-pids/subentities Which (sub-) entities / sub units should be referenced using identifiers? Which of those identifiers should be persistent and citable?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-pids/system Which system of persistent identifiers shall be used?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-pids/yesno Will persistent identifiers (PIDs) be used for this data set?
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-costs/non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs associated with persistent identifiers in the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-costs/personnel What are the personnel costs associated with of persistent identifiers in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/general-legal-issues-international_yesno/international_yesno Does the legal situation of different countries have to be considered? If you answer this question with "Yes", please get in touch with the legal department or a respective contact person at your institution to clarify if this has consequences for the project and its data management and if yes, what consequences these are.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data_yesno/yesno Does this dataset contain personal data? The handling and processing of personal data is regulated by law. The uniform application throughout the EU is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It allows for regulatory leeway at national level.
In Germany, this is regulated by the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and for universities, the individual data protection laws of the individual federal states apply, e.g. the data protection law of North Rhine-Westphalia (DSG NRW).
The european GDPR defines personal data as all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (Art. 4(1) GPDR).
A person is identified if it is clearly identifiable to whom the data belongs.
A person becomes identifiable if it can be identified by means of additional information.
More information (in German only) can be found on the websites of the data protection officers of the UA Ruhr.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-privacy_law/privacy_law Which laws are to be considered beside the European GDPR regarding data protection issues for the research project? The EU General Data Protection Regulation takes precedence over national law. It applies since 25.05.2018.
For universities, state data protection laws continue to apply, which may be designed to comply with certain provisions of the GDPR, e. g. the data protection law of North Rhine-Westphalia.
In certain fields, specific laws apply. These override the State Federal and Federal Data Protection Acts.
  • The Social Security Act X for medical data
  • The Federal Statistics Act for census data
  • For educational research in NRW the education act NRW
  • A research project might be affected by multiple laws.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data/deletion By when will the (unanonymised or unpseudonymised) original data be safely deleted?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data/record Where and how is the "informed consent" documented?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data/statement If no "informed consent" is obtained, please give the reasons for not doing so.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data/extent To what extent is the "informed consent" of the perspms concerned obtained? The collection, processing, archiving and publication of personal data is only admissible, if there is a corresponding 'informed consent' of the person concerned. Only in very few exceptional cases, this is not needed.
Where required please get in touch with the data protection officer of your institution for further information on the necessary conditions for consent.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data/anonymization Will the data be anonymised or pseudonymised?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data/bdsg_3_9 Does the dataset contain personal data of special categories? According to the GDPR, this includes “personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation“ (Art. 9(1) GPDR).
Such data is considered to be particularly sensitive and requires even more stringent protective measures than those required for personal data in general.
If you answer "Yes" to this question, please contact the data protection officer of your institution to find out what additional protection measures are necessary.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-other/description If yes, please describe the non-personal sensitive data used in the project.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-other/funder_policy Does the funder have rules or recommendations for data management? If yes, please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please also indicate, if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. Funders of research also increasingly specify requirements regarding the management of research data in funded projects.
Examples are the DFG Guidelines on the Handling of Reserach Data or the Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020 of the European Commission.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-other/yesno Does this dataset contain sensitive data other than personal data? Examples are data that contain trade or business secrets or geoinformation on endangered species.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-costs/security_non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs for other (non-technical) security measures for sensitive data for the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-costs/security_personnel What are the personnel costs associated with other (non-technical) security measures for sensitive data in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-costs/anonymization_non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs associated with the anonymization of sensitive data in the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-costs/anonymization_personnel What are the personnel costs associated with the anonymization of sensitive data in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-official_approval/data_access_committee Is a data access committee needed to handle access requests to the published data of the project?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-official_approval/agency If yes, which is the responsible agency?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-official_approval/title If yes, which permit?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-official_approval/yesno Is a statutatory approval / permit needed for the research?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-official_approval/ethics_committee Has the project been approved by a research ethics committee?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/intellectual-property-rights-yesno/yesno Does the project use and/or produce data that is protected by intellectual or industrial property rights? Data or software can be subject to intellectual or industrial property rights. Applicable laws differ broadly even within EU.
According to the German copyright law (UrhG) works of literature, scholarship and the arts that can be regarded as a “personal intellectual creation” are protected by copyright. Copyright protection expires 70 years after the death of the copyright holder.
Mere data, e.g. measured data or survey data, and metadata (except in some cases descriptive metadata) are not protected by copyright.
§ 2 of the UrhG lists the following kinds of protected works (list is not concluded):
  • linguistic works such as written works, speeches and computer programs
  • works of music
  • pantomimic works including works of the art of dance
  • works or the fine arts including works of architecture and the applied arts as well as sketches of such works
  • works of photography and cinematography
  • descriptions and illustrations of scholarly or technical nature such as drawings, plans, maps, sketches, tables and three-dimensional represenations

According to § 3, copyright is also applicable to translations and other modifications or adaptions of a work if they are individual intellectual creations of the editor.
Finally, according to § 4 copyright also extents to collected editions and database works. Collected editions are “collections of work, data or other independent elements that are individual intellectual creations based on the selection and arrangement of the elements”. Database works are defined as “collected editions, the elements of which are arranged in a systematic or methodical way and can be accessed individually by electronic means or in other ways”.
Other relevant property rights can be trademarks, patents, utility models, plant variety rights protection, integrated circuit layout design protection, geographical indications or registered designs.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/intellectual-property-rights-dataset/owner Was investigated who the rights owner is?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/intellectual-property-rights-dataset/other_rights Do other intellectual property rights apply to this dataset?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/intellectual-property-rights-dataset/copyrights Does copyright law apply to this dataset?
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/intellectual-property-rights-costs/non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs regarding intellectual property rights in the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/legal-and-ethics/intellectual-property-rights-costs/personnel What are the personnel costs associated with intellectual property rights in the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/selection-criteria/responsible_person Who selects the data to be archived?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/selection-criteria/selection_criteria What are the criteria / rules for the selection of the data to be archived (after the end of the project)?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/data_archiving_date By when will the data be archived?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/access_authentication How will the identity of the person accessing the data will be ascertained?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/embargo_period Shall there be an embargo period before the data are made available?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/repository_arrangements Have you explored appropriate arrangements with the identified repository? (original question from Horizon 2020 FAIR Data Management Plan)
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/certification Is the repository or data centre chosen certified (e.g. Data Seal of Approval, nestor Seal or ISO 16363)?
(If the dataset is archived at several places, you may answer this question with yes, if this applies to at least one of these.)
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/repository Where will the data (including metadata, documentation and, if applicable, relevant code) be stored or archived after the end of the project?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/reuse_duration How long is it intended that the data remains re-usable.
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/duration How long will the data be stored?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/purpose What are the reasons this dataset has to be preserved for the long-term?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/yesno Does this dataset have to preserved for the long-term?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-costs/cover_how How will the datamanagement costs of the project be covered?
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-costs/non_personnel What is the amount of non-personnel-costs regarding long-term preservation for the project? Please estimate the costs in Euro.
ua_ruhr/storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-costs/personnel What are the personnel costs associated with long-term preservation for the project? Please estimate the effort in person months.